If life is in danger contact Emergency Services or Lifeline immediately. Click on the icons on the left for contact details.
CALL 000
Feelings of despair and hopelessness are common in a young person with anxiety and depression. If you do feel isolated and alone and have thoughts of suicide, then you need to let someone know that you need help.
If you, or someone you care about, is in crisis and you think immediate action is needed, call emergency services (triple zero – 000), contact your doctor or mental health crisis service, or go to your local hospital emergency department. Do not leave the person alone, unless you are concerned for your own safety.
There are a number of warning signs that a person might be thinking about suicide. Some of these include:
discussions surrounding suicide, even if it seems to be a joke
being moody, withdrawn or sad (Note: a sudden positive mood can also be a bad sign as it may mean a person has made up their mind to suicide)
losing interest in things they previously enjoyed
taking less care of their appearance
anxiety or agitation, including difficulty concentrating or sleeping
engaging in self-destructive or risky behaviour
increased use of alcohol or drugs
previous suicide attempts
giving possessions away and saying goodbye
gaining access to a means of ending their life.
For more information on Suicide related material click the links below.